Eurodecision conducts appraisal missions involving optimization technologies (operations research, combinatorial optimization, linear and nonlinear programming, linear integer programming, constraint programming, heuristics and metaheuristics, rule-based systems, and so forth).
Our experts analyze (or audit) existing software solutions and optimization algorithms to improve the processing time or solution quality performance of that tool. On that basis, they can put forward alternative strategies for the resolution method, query the choice of solver and/or adapt the configuration or modeling with a solver. Our experts can be called on to revamp the solution architecture to make it more robust or easier to maintain.
As we are always on the lookout for developments in optimization techniques, we can help you compare a number of combinatorial optimization methods (e.g.: heuristic against linear programming) or even compare different proprietary solvers/computation engines (open source or otherwise) for mathematical programming (IBM ILOG CPLEX, Fico Xpress, Gurobi, Coin, GPLK, etc.), constraint programming (IBM ILOG CP Optimizer Solver, SICstus Prolog, GNU Prolog, SWI Prolog, Choco, Google CP solver), heuristics (Paradiso, LocaSolver, etc.) and BRMS (IBM Ilog Rules JRules, FICO Blaze Advisor, JBoss Rules – DROOLS, etc.).